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Dry-Aged USDA Prime Bone-In Kansas City Strip Steak

Dry-Aged flavor in our Bone-In Strip Read More

Thickly cut and firm, this is tops among serious steak lovers who savor the juiciness and intense dry-aged beef flavor of this special bone-in cut. And the marbled texture will give your steak knife an easy time of carving into utter deliciousness.

We dry age our steaks in custom-designed, dry aging coolers where a complex process incorporates an intricate and delicate balance of time, temperature, air circulation and humidity. The beef ages openly exposed to the air inside the cooler, from the outside in, forming a hard crust around the edible tissue. After aging is complete, this firm outer crust is carefully removed, leaving meat that is significantly more tender and with the distinctive ‘beefy’ flavor specific to dry aging.

Raised Right, Right Here. Our cattle are born and raised in the USA under strict standards for quality.